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DEVOUR Card Game Demo with David Mazure

Punch Out Games 161 Northampton St., Easton

Test out the new game DEVOUR, at our new Easton games hub, Punch Out Games. Play the game of DEVOUR, taking on the role of one of seven forest-dwelling creatures, and feed upon as many of your opponent's cards as you can. Bout after bout, compete for your very survival. Establish the largest Feed Pile, […]


Games: DEVOUR Card Game Demo and Science on a Sphere

Nurture Nature Center 518 Northampton St, Easton

Enjoy Nurture Nature's Science on a Sphere program about animal habitats. Then, play the game of DEVOUR, taking on the role of one of seven forest-dwelling creatures and feeding upon as many of your opponent's cards as you can. Bout after bout, compete for your very survival. Establish the largest Feed Pile, propel yourself to […]
