Who We Are

Easton Book Festival’s mission is to inform, educate, enrich and inspire people of all backgrounds in our community through cultural and literary programs and to otherwise foster intellectual discourse and civic engagement.
Board of Directors

Darrell Parry, President 

E. Lynn Alexander, Co-Vice President  

Amber Tortorelli, Co-Vice President

Nekisha Robertson, Treasurer

Bonnie Winfield, Secretary

Andy Laties, Ex Officio Festival Director 


Julia Brennan, Lydia Bruneo, Reykha Capoor, Michael Daigle, Ann De Marco, John Evans, Tasa Faronii-Butler, Sean Ford, Luna Garces, Barbara Gregory, Colin Gregory, Kayley Hoffman, Kevin Horn, Liz Keough, MJ “Phen” King, Anna Kodama, Regina Marinelli, Monica McAghan, Ashley McKillip, Katie McKillip, Rebecca Migdal, Donna Novak, Patrick Poladian, Liza Rangel, Donna Raskin, Susie Ravitz, Tina Rosado, Jan Schwartz, Monica Scott, Jennifer Whitlock, Wendy Wilson-Fall, Joan Zachary 

Contact us at eastonbookfestival@gmail.c
From the President:

Welcome to the 6th Annual Easton Book Festival! We are looking forward to another great year of celebrating books and community. 

We often share our goals: to include, to collaborate, to build, to support, and to present programs that offer “something for everyone.” 

It is important that we have programs for all ages, that people feel welcome, and that we are engaged with all neighborhoods in our city. 

We are proud of our priority to bring authors into our local schools and libraries. Our programs include author appearances, story times, discussion panels, poetry, performances, workshops, interviews, virtual events, and more. We have an author and publisher expo that will provide opportunities for sharing and connection. We have partner programs with local nonprofits, galleries, bookstores, and local businesses as we continue our work together. We are able to provide these programs for free, thanks to the support of our sponsors. 

On behalf of the Festival Board, I want to thank the community, our volunteers, our board, our sponsors, our partners, and YOU. 

Books have the power to inform, entertain, change minds, and change hearts. Through stories, we learn about others and experiences that open our thinking. This is powerful. This is activism. To support books is to support access to ideas. To support books is to support the voices of others, and conversations that we need to have. To support books is to support curiosity, imagination, creativity, and experiences that might be like our own, or nothing like our own. We grow from all of these. 

Maybe you read often. Maybe life has gotten in the way and you haven’t had time. Reading is between you and your books, and it is never too late to come back to them. All kinds of readers are encouraged to discover something new. Please consider coming out to Easton Book Festival 2024! 

Darrell Parry