Paul O. Zelinsky
Shares “The Wheels on the Bus”
10/20 at 11 AM
Paul O. Zelinsky’s illustrations have won wide acclaim and many awards, including the Caldecott Medal for his retelling of Rapunzel and three Caldecott Honors, for Hansel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin, and Swamp Angel. Trained as a painter, Paul turned to illustration when he realized that his greatest satisfaction comes from telling stories through pictures. He is known for the unusual variety of styles and genres in his books, which range from classically painted fairy tales to the silly and popular Z is for Moose, and illustrations for such esteemed writers as Beverly Cleary. Paul conceived and created the much-loved mechanical book The Wheels on the Bus. He lives with his wife in Brooklyn, New York.

Ama Yawson
The Talk: A Black Family’s Conversation about Racism and Brutality
Oct. 17 at 11
Ama Karikari-Yawson earned a BA from Harvard University, an MBA from the Wharton School and a JD from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Her unique understanding of social issues, business and the law has enabled her to become a relevant voice on issues as varied as diversity, sexual violence, and personal empowerment. She is a frequent contributor to publications such as The Huffington Post and The Atlantic. In 2013, a painful experience with bullying inspired her to write her best-selling fable about difference, Sunne’s Gift. Ms. Yawson became so personally invested in spreading the book’s message of healing and harmony, that she quit her six-figure job as a securities lawyer to become a full-time, author, storyteller, speaker, and edutainer. Her life-changing workshops and training sessions incorporate storytelling, drama, dance, history, cutting edge psychological research and legal analysis in order to truly propel participants towards healthier and more successful lives. She is also the creator of the folkloric character for Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa Nana. Through the Kwanzaa Nana series, students learn practical tools for community activism and social justice. Ms. Karikari-Yawson lives in the New York area with her husband and two kids and she continues to write books, perform stories, and conduct training programs. She can be reached at ama@milestales.com and 347-886-2026.

Robin Riding
Reading, “Mermaids Fast Asleep”
10/19 at 11 AM
Robin Riding lives in a Pennsylvania town full of old stone houses, where she and her husband run Book and Puppet Co. She enjoys making beautiful puppets and writing silly songs. Mermaids Fast Asleep is her debut picture book.

Susan Robeson
Reading: Grandpa Stops A War
Oct. 21 at 11 AM
“It takes a man of peace to stop a war.”
The true story of Paul Robeson’s visit to the front lines of the Spanish Civil War is a tale of courage and activism told by his granddaughter, Susan Robeson. Grandpa Paul was a world-famous actor and singer with a deep and rumbling voice, a man of peace and principle who worried about the safety of children and families living in countries at war. He wanted to use his voice to promote social justice all over the world. Though people warned Grandpa Paul that it was too dangerous, he traveled with his friend Captain Fernando to the battlefields of the Spanish Civil War to sing to the soldiers. And then something amazing happened…

Darlene Campos
reading: Summer Camp is Canceled ;Heaven isn’t Me.
Oct. 24 at 11 AM
Design by Peter Lopez
Author of the young adult novels BEHIND MOUNT RUSHMORE, HEAVEN ISN’T ME, SUMMER CAMP IS CANCELLED, the picture book MR. RAY’S BARBERSHOP / LA BARBERÍA DEL SEÑOR RAY, and many short stories.

Debbie Taylor
Hopes High – children’s Covid-19 book- reading
Oct. 28 at 11 AM
Anthology of youth writings and art about their Covid-19 pandemic experiences. Non-fiction, fiction, fantasy, poetry, comics and drawings. Authors range in age from 8 to 16 years old.

Blair Thornburgh
Skulls reading
Oct. 31 at 11 AM
Blair Thornburgh is the author of several books for young readers and teens, including WHO’S THAT GIRL, ORDINARY GIRLS, and SKULLS. Her hobbies include forgetting the lyrics to songs, deep dives into obscure corners of Wikipedia, and snacks. A former kid herself, she now lives just outside of her hometown of Philadelphia.

Kate Gilman
Let’s Go On Safari -reading
Nov. 4 at 11 AM
Austinite Kate Gilman Williams has a busy schedule. In addition to keeping up with social media, playing volleyball and fostering a baby elephant in Kenya, she is the co-author of Let’s Go on Safari!

Doris Ettlinger
reading, illustrations
Nov. 14 at 11 AM
Doris Ettlinger has been an illustrator since graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design. She later received an MFA from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Her work features fine draftsmanship and a masterful use of watercolor. |
On the third floor of the mill Doris coaches the Musconetcong Watercolor Group and teaches monthly watercolor workshops. She also teaches workshops at the Center for Contemporary Art in Bedminster.Doris is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, the Hunterdon Watercolor Society, and a signature member of the Garden State Watercolor Society. |
Click here to see an illustrator profile about Doris |

Floyd Cooper
reading, art
Nov. 11 at 11 AM
Floyd Cooper is an American illustrator of children’s books. He is based in Easton, Pennsylvania and has worked with Jane Yolen, Nikki Grimes, Eloise Greenfield, Howard Bryant, Joyce Carol Thomas and many more. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma.

Victoria Jamieson
Nov. 14 at 11 AM
Victoria Jamieson is an American author and illustrator of children’s books, known for Roller Girl, a graphic novel about roller derby.