Latest Past Events

Poetry & Puppetry Workshop with Magnus Matteo

Book and Puppet Company 161 Northampton Street, Easton

In this Poetry & Puppetry writing workshop, participants are encouraged to choose a puppet from the Book & Puppet displays that speak to them, and to write a poem from the perspective of the chosen puppet. This event is open to all ages and all writing abilities. Workshop facilitator Magnus Mateo is a Lehigh Valley […]

Big Nazo and YOU Join the Halloween Parade

Union Station 178 South Main Street, Phillipsburg

Help the Big Nazo surprise the annual Phillipsburg/Easton Halloween parade by suiting up in a monster costume at Union Station in P-Burg, and running out to join the parade peeps when they pass by. Open to all ages and skill levels, this community band is bringing a New Orleans tradition to the streets of Easton. […]


An Exaltation of Poets & IF Museum Fall Exhibition

International Fusionism Museum 107 N 4th St, Easton

The Unbearables Poetry Collective & Lehigh Valley Poetry perform at IF Museum, during the museum's fall exhibition opening party. The Unbearables are a loose confederation of poets and writers who came of age in the 1980s and 90s in New York. Infamous for their high-minded aesthetics and low, barroom manners, the group has sought to […]
