Words in Action: a panel discussion with playwrights and screenwriters


Playwrights and screenwriters discuss their forms and how the pandemic is affecting their ability to share ideas with the public. With Dennis Bush, Lori Fischer, Sylva Kelegian, and Maureen Davis. Dennis Bush-Playwright/screenwriter Dennis Bush's plays have been performed in New York, and throughout the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, […]


Marly Youmans Reading, hosted by John Wilson


Marly Youmans is one of today's masters of language and imagination. Her poetry and fiction blend fantastic, historical, and everyday elements that have delighted readers for decades. In this program, book critic and editor John Wilson introduces a series of dramatic readings of Youmans's fiction and poetry, from her critically acclaimed Catherwood (1996) to her recently released Charis in […]

World War 3 Illustrated Magazine Artist Slideshows: Seth Tobocman, Kevin Pyle, Fly, Rebecca Migdal, Jenny Gonzalez-Blitz, Terry Tapp

Book and Puppet Company 22 Centre Square, Easton, PA, United States

Take a visual tour of World War 3 Illustrated –an American comics anthology magazine with a left-wing political focus that was founded in 1979 by New York City comic book artists Peter Kuper and Seth Tobocman, and painter Christof Kohlhofer. The anthology is now produced by a collective rotating editorship that includes Isabella Bannerman, Sue […]
