Latest Past Events

Call Femella: A Goddess Ritual

Book and Puppet Company 161 Northampton Street, Easton

Call Femella is a ritual performance to call the Female Forces into my body and into my surroundings. The goddesses are called through symbols in the color red, and through the vibration of their names. Participants are invited to be blessed with the red color, a dot on the forehead. An accompanying illustrated zine gives […]

How Do I Draw These Memories? Meet Jonell Joshua @ YA Fest

Skillman Library 710 Sullivan Road, Easton

Jonell Joshua spent her childhood shuttling back and forth between Savannah and New Jersey – living in grandparents’ homes during the times her mother, struggling with mental illness, needed support to raise her and her brothers. Together the family found a way to keep going even in the darkest of times. How Do I Draw […]

Transforming Pain into Art: A Workshop on Creative Healing

The Journey Home 52 South 2nd Street, Easton

In this interactive 90-minute session, local expressive art facilitator at The Journey Home Community Studio, Dr. Bonnie Winfield guides participants through the powerful process of using creative expression as a tool for emotional healing. Attendees will learn techniques for channeling difficult experiences into various artistic mediums, including writing, visual art. Winfield will share inspiring examples […]