What Does It Mean to have Published a Memoir?

Book and Puppet Company 161 Northampton Street, Easton, PA, United States

What’s it like to have the opportunity to share a portion of your life with any reader? Three memoirists discuss how it feels to have translated a chunk of their lives into the form of a book. It seems literary, but it’s really an activity of finding and sharing yourself through writing. Melba Tolliver is […]

Preserving the Pennsylvania Wilds: the Rebirth of Elk Country — Author Mario Chiappelli in Conversation with Environmental Educator Ian Kindle

Book and Puppet Company 161 Northampton Street, Easton, PA, United States

A Legacy of Conservation Every year thousands flock to the Pennsylvania Wilds to be among nature and its famous elk herd. In the past, dangerous levels of hunting and industrial development forever altered Pennsylvania's natural landscape and drove its native elk to near extinction. In response, concerned sportsmen and conservationists pushed the state legislature to […]