Latest Past Events

How To Get Your Book To The Screen

The Social Tour 12 South Sitgreaves, Easton

This workshop will explore the steps an author can take to bring their book to the attention of movie and TV producers. Alan Roth will also discuss how an author can adapt their own work. Alan Roth is a member and Fellow of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and serves as an […]

How to Nurture the Story That Is Within You

The Journey Home 52 South 2nd Street, Easton

Everyone has a story. This mini-workshop will demonstrate how a person can take their story, embellish it and write in down. Dennis Boyne is a seasoned storyteller and the Executive Director of Lehigh Valley Story Slam. He has written three books: A Family's Journey, Major Kate, and Jake at Church. In addition to his literary […]

Author Interview: UnMasking the Mask with Arne Zaslove & Erminio Pinque — Interviewed by Rebecca Migdal


In his book, UnMasking the Mask: Insights from Physical Theatre and Life, Arne Zaslove, offers inspiration to theatre makers, theatre lovers, and those who wonder how and why theatre has nourished our understanding of human nature for thousands of years. Drawing on decades of experience as a director and teacher, Zaslove offers a look behind […]
