Author bio

Donna DeLoretto Brennan
Donna DeLoretto Brennan was a technical writer for over ten years before becoming a computer programmer. Since leaving the corporate world after her twins were born, she’s had short stories, interviews, and nonfiction articles published online and in print magazines. She’s speaks at writing conferences and other events. Her collection of short stories, Forget the Mess–It’s Time for a Story!, was published in March of 2019.
She’s a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group (GLVWG). She’s served in various capacities on the GLVWG board, including several terms as Conference Chair. She’s always looking for opportunities to encourage others and to share what she’s learned.
Donna’s website is
About "Forget the Mess—It’s time for a Story!"
When life starts to fill with mindless chores and endless to-do lists, take a mini-break to relax and reenergize. This book contains six stories to help you forget about the dishes that need to be washed or the laundry that needs to be put away. Forget the mess for now, and enjoy a story. The mess will still be there, waiting for you, when the story is finished.
· My Good Son – The son she remembers is missing; and who is this man calling her “Ma”?
· Pretense – Sister-relationships can be complicated, especially if you’re afraid to tell the truth.
· Another Day – Clara looks for a way—and a reason—to keep going.
· Spectator – When watching other people’s lives is more interesting than living your own, maybe you need to take some action.
· Taking Care of His Wife – Brad promised to take care of Megan forever—but he never said exactly how he would do that.
· Love Your Frenimies – When Jesus said to love your neighbor, he couldn’t have meant Gina’s neighbor, Anna.